In 2017 and onwards, SoPact will be operating from Lund University Campus Helsingborg, based at Think Open Space. The move signifies a strong backing from the City of Helsingborg amid growing support for social entrepreneurship.
After a year with two action packed accelerator programs in Lund, SoPact has moved to Socialhögskolan, Campus Helsingborg. Socialhögskolan expressed an interest in SoPact’s engagement and activities with social entrepreneurs as well as partnerships outside academia. Assistant Head of Department, Marcus Knutagård, sees the collaboration with SoPact as an exciting new development as the accelerator program and the entrepreneurs can contribute to the creation of new innovative solutions for society as a whole. It also provides researchers with a up close opportunity to study how to scale these solutions.
SoPact is also pleased to announce an active partnership with the City of Helsingborg. The collaboration is focused on developing the social entrepreneurial ecosystem in the city and and working on new methods and solutions to existing challenges.
Sopact will become a platform where we connect the challenges and opportunities we see in the City with social innovators and academia – all with a purpose of discovering new and creative solutions.
— Michael Fransson, Business Director, The City of Helsingborg
SoPact will be running the accelerator program at Think Open Space, working together with the already existing Think Accelerace (Accelerator for IT-startups), Venture Lab (Entrepreneurial initiative for students at LU) and other relevant organisations in the city.
Accelerator Manager Peter Løvschall is thrilled with the support from Helsingborg. “we couldn’t ask for a better start for Accelerator Program #3 by being located in an open, dynamic and creative environment as Think Open Space in Helsingborg.”
SoPact opens it’s application period February 2017 and the deadline is on March 20th 2017.
Think Open Space:
Campus Helsingborg:
Photo Credit: CC Image courtesy of Tsaiproject