We are getting closer to the big day. In less than two weeks it is time for our accelerator to begin. The application has now closed with 86 (!) applicants. That is amazing. Thank you to everyone who has applied!

Amazing things like that – amazing social entrepreneurs like you – are worth celebrating. Therefore we had our Acceleration Application Celebration.

SoPact Acceleration Application Celebration 2But not only therefore, it was also a chance for us to present the acceleration program and more importantly we got a chance to get your input on what is needed in the program!

Sopact AAC1

We want SoPact to be the best accelerator it could ever be. To get there we need your help! Bringing your insights on what you need and what you want us to deliver. Last Wednesday we got some great ideas a workshop done World Café style. In the next couple of days all applicants will get a questionnaire asking the same kind of questions. We look forward to reading your input.

SoPact Acceleration Application Celebration

Now it is time for us to get to work! We have spent the last few days reading your applications to find the first batch of SoPacters. We still have work to do before we reach a final decision but before this week ends you will know if you are one of them. Until then – all the best to you!

SoPact Acceleration Application Celebration 4

Download the presentation from this event (PDF)