Last week we had the privilege to meet and hear from Casta&Bucks. A company focused on Impact Assessment – learning what your impact is and how to measure it. They had a two day session with our SoPact’ers with the first day focusing on Social Impact Assessment, and the second day focused on Environmental Impact Assessment.

The base of the training was the Theory of Change. And most of all, understanding the difference between output, outcome and impact. As a societal entrepreneur, what you are ultimately selling is your impact. But how do you measure that?

Friday afternoon it was time to share the knowledge gained. During a public event, our SoPact’ers took the stage pitching, followed by Casta&Bucks summarizing the most important lessons from the previous days.

Casta&BucksCasta&Bucks  Casta&Bucks Casta&Bucks

Photos by Amanda Westin